Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a plan.

throwing it out, in hopes that it may materialize.

the schemer is back at it again .... get me started and crazy things can happen.

i think that perhaps i am going thru my 'mid-twenties' crisis. in october i will have been at the co-op for 2 years ... which is freaking me out a little. that fact combined with a lust for adventure and inspiring new friends has lit a spark inside me ... so, now on to the plan.

i guess it started out as making a pact with friends to celebrate new years eve this year in australia. that led to opportunities to work there, which led to visiting a friend in france, which led to opportunities to volunteer/teach english which has always appealed to me. also, with my limited funds ..... combining all those into one huge trip to save money on flights/be able to fly at cheaper times led to this crazy solution.

ideally, i want to be in france the month of june. the easiest way i've found to do that would be to go to australia first (?) ... haha. a round-trip to australia (returning jan. 2011) is only $600! so: australia in may, work for a month (they have amazing looking work hostels that are super cheap and pay loads just to pick fruit outside in the sunshine!) ... and then use that money to buy a super expensive flight to france ... because that seems to be the only thing available. after that, in july i would like to head to thailand, find either a teaching job or a volunteer job. either one would be amazing. i figure that will last at least 4 months ... and then i could return back to australia, and work again for the majority of nov/dec ... all leading up to the great new years eve celebration that started this all off!

anyways, it sounds amazing to me. i believe i can make it work. and i hope i'm not one of those people who is all talk and doesn't actually make it happen. i hope i'm not, but i'm not sure yet.

wish me luck.


Kidest M said...

you WILL make it happen. we can afford to do whatever we put our mind to, we just commit and re-commit to our vision when our mind gets the best of us ;)

Make your decision, set your intention, and know that the Universe WILL conspire on your behalf in the process!

You're going. For sure!

Bonne Voyage!!!

Dr Moof said...

!!!!!!!! :D

Nataloo said...


An idea starts with a seedling.

When it's time to harvest, you will be pleasantly surprised, I feel it.

I guarantee it will be nothing like you imagined.... far beyond anything you could have e v e r dreamed. ;)

I love you gypsy traveler...


Little Cat from SD said...

Anything is possible!!! :)